Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Blood is thicker than water but blood just means people came from the same gene pool. Having the same blood endangers one to inherit problems, including: Mental illness, emotional issues, and physical/ health problems. I say blood does not constitute a family. Blood type and genes don't make people care about each other. Blood type and genes don't tend to an ailing individual when they are sick or hurt. People tend to other people.

Titles don't make people family either. Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparents... These are just titles given to family members. If the person truly cares, the title becomes very special. If the person doesn't care the title doesn't mean anything. Blood and genes do not entitle individuals to these titles... People earn these titles by showing love to other people.

Love is what makes families. Time is what strengthens bonds. I love you because I choose to love you... I care for you because I make the choice to care. Caring is not always easy, but I did not make my decision based on simplicity. I fight with you because I want what is best for you. I love you unconditionally... I won't turn my back on you when I don't like a choice you have made. I will be here to pick up the pieces if ever you should fall. You are my family.

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